Thursday 25 June 2015

Silk dress shopping

Last night I bought a silk dress. It shimmers, I am told. How I came about this sight to be seen is quite interesting.

You see, I had seen a friend be carried off in the back of a cart. It seems someone was rounding up women in a search to find a wife, though this was more about his lack of personal boundaries than inability to find a wife. To get anywhere near him and my friend I had to persuade a drunk in a bar to make a dress, they had fallen out of love with making dresses, yet the challenge I posed was too much of a challenge to turn down.

So I have a dress. In said dress I will be bring an avalanche of trouble on the man who stole my friend. Let me introduce myself, I am Cloud Strife.

Actually, my name isn't Cloud. I am currently in the process of renaming all the Final Fantasy VII characters after characters from Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, so Cloud becomes Arthur D, Barrett is F Perfect, and Tifa is Trillian. Aeris became HeartGold in a move that is completely coincidental.

I remember buying Final Fantasy VII the first time round, in a CEX in Soho. My current version is a download on to my Playstation3, so the recent announcement is rather exciting for me.

I'm currently four hours in. I don't play with the intensity I originally had in 1998, but there's something about that game and it's story and secret bonuses and music. Oh my, the music. I wonder how many other people hum the victory tune after completing a task, I know it's not just me.

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